Distinct women's shirt: The Loap ABURDY long sleeve shirt has an extended back and a deeper round neckline. It has a print on the front and ...
Distinct women's shirt: The Loap ABURDY long sleeve shirt has an extended back and a deeper round neckline. It has a print on the front and the back, while the sleeves are unprinted. This chic T-shirt with a floral pattern is made from a timeless combination of comfortable materials - comfortable cotton and elastane. It sits nicely and wrinkles. The classic cut with raglan sleeves is ideal for everyday wear, for example with jeans, for work, school, travel and leisure.
deeper round neckline
regular fit
extended back panel
floral print is pleasant to the touch
95 % cotton, 5 % elastane
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The colour of the product can slightly differ due to the lighting in the studio and the colour reproduction on your device.